Look at the first two entries. In these cases, the Kombat section in SpyFu can come in handy. Choosing a broad keyword gives you plenty of room to find many good article topics for your content calendar! The Ad History for a keyword shows up a list of domains that have advertised with that keyword. Look at the screenshot:Locally, there are only 70 searches per month. Required fields are marked *. Furthermore, SEMRushs upper tier plans, Guru and Business are significantly costlier than the corresponding plan from SpyFu, but they come with lower keyword, export, and data limits. The global Keyword Rank Tracking Software market was valued at US$ million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach US$ million by 2029, witnessing a CAGR of % during the forecast period 2023-2029. Are you ready? Yes! Numerous tools are offering similar services. Weakness in Spyfu terms indicates keywords that the two competing websites already rank for whereas you do not. In that case, type in your URL to find out. Even though SpyFu keyword research is free, you can easily use an alternative if you dont want to create another tool account. It's worth noting, though, that you won't find a dedicated site audit tool. Thanks for the comment! Do you see the gray bar? So lets dive into the details of how you can use both these tools for doing competitor research. Using SpyFu for competitor analysis Step 4: Finding traffic estimation of your competitors websites LinkedIn, a website with a high Domain Authority ranking and a big budget, is advertising their coaching services. Video Transcript: Welcome to SpyFu, your new home if you are looking for keyword tools that will guide you to new ideas and profitable keywords. Fix any optimization errors to improve search engine rankings. SpyFu Team is great foragencies and in-house SEO companieswhere you can give access to several people where you can also allow up to 5 users to login to your account which costs you $199 per month. I had not heard of this product before. Under the Ad History tab, you can see how an ad has evolved over time for a specific competitor. Semrush vs. SpyFu: Keyword Research. Rise to the 1st page of Google with less than 30 minutes of Surfer optimization. Another neat feature is that you can compile data reports and brand it with your own business logo and info, in case you are offering paid for SEO services. Look at all the choices you have when you do keyword research with SpyFu. [2022 List of Top Earners], 143 Good, Fun, and Interesting Topics To Write About, How to Create a Surfer SEO Content Brief for on-page optimization, How to find Low Competition Keywords in SEMrush, Keyword Surfer Chrome Extension: A Game Changer for Content Optimization, The Best Snippet Tools for 2023 [Sort, Save, SERP], Surfer SEO Content Planner [A How To Guide], 5 Jaw-Dropping Ways ChatGPT Lead Magnets Can Transform Your Creation Process, Building a Real Estate Website with ChatGPT, The Most Frequently Asked Questions About ChatGPT, Ranking on Google: Using ChatGPT to Choose the Right Topics for Your Content. As you can see from the above image, Semrush shows you all the organic results when you enter any domain name. If for any reason you dont like Spyfu you can cancel and get a refund in the first 30 days. Using Semrush for competitor analysis How about the history of all the domains that have ranked on it in SEO, and how each of them have moved up and down in the ranks. Whats the money back guarantee of Semrush? This plan is the perfect fit for fully-fledged marketing departments that have resources dedicated to SEO and keyword-based online advertising. 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I agree it is frustrating having to download and install a million and one things so a cloud based tool is nice. You dont need to concern yourself with wondering if youll be able to make internet sales. Spyfu gathers YOUR keywords that rank in the top 50. SpyFu is a suite of marketing tools for PPC and SEO competitor analysis. Keyword research. Absolutely. Track your competitors articles Our guide provides expert insights to help you make an informed decision and take your SEO game to the next level. With that being said, am I paying for the tool on a one time basis or am I paying for it on a monthly basis? We will review your website and design a custom plan that will: Robb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. Creating full articles at scale is made possible by the AI that powers Article Forge! It clearly labels search intent behind each keyword, allowing users to focus on creating content for commercial intent keywords that lead to sales and commissions. To help you better understand what it does and if its the right choice for you I have written this in-depth SpyFu review. Search for any domain and see every place they've shown up on Google: every keywordthey've bought on Google Ads, every organic rank, and every ad variationin the last 16 years. Under the competitor field, youd type in Zillow. Export to CSV to easily share your data with important partners. Spyfu is the keyword competition tooltouse to sneak a peek into your competitors keywords. You can also see who takes a dive with an algorithm change and who is rewarded. For competetior and backlink research it is one of my favorite tools. It takes a lot of consistency, skills, hard-work, and patience. This can still be a long-tail keyword, but it needs to be a topic that can be broken down further. Keyword explorer is another tool that makes ahrefs a perfect alternative to Spyfu. Heres how it works. Estimated value is $11,800. SEO is dynamic and this industry is driven by ever changing Google algorithms and constant shifting of search trends. When you scroll down on Domain overview results, Semrush shows you top organic keywords. Outbound Links: This is the number of different pages that this specific page links to. Dont copy them, but emulate their style. Since SpyFu has components for everyone looking to boost their organic traffic and sales, SpyFu is perfect for both hobby bloggers and professional bloggers. We will review your pay-per-click campaign and design a custom plan that will: Request your digital marketing analysis and plan! They estimate these clicks using the click-through rate for the domain or pages organic rank on a keyword, multiplied by the keyword search volume. Both SpyFu and Semrush are excellent tools for competitor analysis. You will get unlimited search results and data exports, unlimited domain overview PDFs, 250 sales leads and domain contacts, 5k weekly tracked keywords and their rankings, 10k top lists results. We have decided on best dog food". Your AdWords campaign deserves specific attention. Enter two other competitors into the remaining spots. No surprise there. A domain with a high score here (closer to 100) consistently ranks on top searches. We've also featured the best content marketing tools. Or the history of people advertising on this keyword in adwords and how theyve evolved their ads over time. This is easier said than done since the SEO space is already full to the brim with well-optimized content. As you can see above, its showing a list of; Common keywords Number of keywords Monthly clicks Monthly value of clicks. So no matter which membership level you choose, if you decide that SpyFu is not the right choice for you, you can get your money back. SpyFu shows the top 5 keywords of "SuccessfulBlogging.com". If you find a piece of information particularly interesting simply click on the view all buttons at the bottom and well lead you to the correct tab. Thats right. This a very useful feature of Spyfu and will get the most out of your ad spend budget. You can use SpyFu to search for any domain and see every place theyve shown up on search engines like Google. This saves those keywords to Google Drive. This website contains affiliate links that benefit me. Grade: B. Here is an opportunity for reflection. The only drawback with SpyFu keyword research tool is that unlike SEMrush, it does not provide much useful search data on related and question-based keywords. Reach out to us today to experience white-glove, concierge service that outperforms your best expectations. The most trusted keywords are listed first. While SpyFu does not offer a free trial, they do have a 30 day money back guarantee. Our guide provides expert insights to help you understand the various Surfer SEO pricing options and choose the best plan to meet your business needs. Check SpyFu software market share in 2023, top SpyFu technology alternatives & competitors in Search Marketing & customer insights. Dev has been working in the online marketing industry for close to a decade. It gathers crucial data from keyword research, organic keywords, backlink analysis, competitor research, and search engine results. Skip the paid ads for now and start scrolling the competition for that search query. These are the keywords that have been run most consistently and most recently. 34 Executive Park, #260Irvine, CA 92614 USA. Name: SpyFu. This should be as simple as one Google search. This step is entirely optional, but you can make a list of 4-8 types/brands of dry dog food for small dogs. New York, Nevertheless, this will be our seed keyword to start out with. Thats how you can perform competitor analysis to find a list of all the keywords, top contents, backlink sources of your competitors websites. This can help you narrow your keyword list down to the. You dont want to jump in the ring with your biggest, fiercest competitor. It also shows the top keywords where you can also find their positions, timeline and so on. If youre someone who likes to take their data on the go, you can export all of this. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. That way you can easily find out your own strengths and weaknesses while comparing with your competitors sites and use the best strategies which are working well. Lets now talk about some of the incredible offered both in SpyFu and Semrush. This screenshot analyzes the Search Engine Results Pages for the keyword blog coaching.Box 1:Two of the entries have .edu in the domain name. To do keyword research with SpyFu, you can start by going to the 'SEO/PPC Keywords' tool. Okay, its not really a crime. However, if you catch it before it becomes a problem, you have little to worry about. Support is available through email, LiveChat or phone. Read: Moz vs Semrush: Comparison Of Two Of Best SEO Tools (2023 Edition) The most feature-rich plan is the team plan, which comes with 2,000 sales leads and domain contacts, 40,000 weekly tracked keyword rankings, custom branding, and five user logins. This is where the keyword competition tool comes in extremely handy. SpyFu professional plan is great for bloggers and SEOs who want to get even more extensive data of 15k weekly tracked keyword rankings and 50k top lists results where youll also get custom branding reporting that costs you $58 per month. in the Total keywords, youd enter 2,000. Find a keyword phrase in the list that youd like to track. A love for business and competition is what fuels Robb to create dynamic marketing plans to help his clients grow exponentially. Our guide provides expert tips to help you leverage this powerful tool and create detailed SEO ranking reports that can help you stay ahead of the competition, Your email address will not be published. You have the option to pay $39 for the 1st month and $78 per month after that. Isnt it fun spying on your competitors? What if Im not happy with SpyFu? It allows you to check every place your competitors have shown up on Google, including the keywords they've purchased on Google Ads, ad variations they've published, and landing pages they're using for conversion. Leave any questions, comments or concerns in the box below and Ill get back to you ASAP! Instead, start with a general search term. All Collections SpyFu Keyword Tools Learn the SpyFu Keyword Tool Learn the SpyFu Keyword Tool A full tour of features to help you get the most from beginner to advanced keyword research Written by Patrick McGrane Updated over a week ago Did this answer your question? For example, type "SuccessfulBlogging.com". Honestly if you are getting starting in affiliate marketing I would probably suggest Jaaxy over SpyFu. Also, if you would like us to create a guide about how to use the SpyFu paid version, please let us know. All in all, both Semrush and SpyFu offers a ton of useful features ranging from keyword research to tracking positions to backlink analysis and so on but heres more. You can see, plain as day, what your competitors are paying for, and how those ads pan out. Those keywords are then added to your project and you can begin to build those for ranking. While SpyFus entry level plan (confusingly called Pro) offers unlimited historical data, unlimited keyword exports, and 5,000 tracked keywords for $39 per month, SEMRushs basic plan is more expensive at $119.95 per month, yet provides only 500 tracked keywords, 500 words per export, and no historical data. Heres how it looks like; The above data is completely relevant because all of the sites are related to SEO, link building and so on. Product Ratings (Out of 5-stars) Pros & Cons: Semrush PROS Rich functionality Responsive customer support team Detailed traffic analytics Let's jump into the details. Look: SpyFu is intuitive! This isnt too high and is definitely rankable. As you can see above, Semrush shows you; Organic search Paid search results Total backlinks (along with referring domains) Organic keywords Paid keywords and so on. Of course, this discussion about what search engine users will think is all rather simplistic. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. Required fields are marked *. Semrush pricing: Semrush also offers 3 types of pricing options with monthly and annual billing options which are listed below. SpyFu Pros: However Im guessing that is a joke and after reading your review this seems like a pretty good keyword tool. Spyfu Review Is It The 1 Competitor Analysis Tool In 2023, SpyFu vs Semrush: The Detailed Comparison, Basic plan: Basic plan is great for starters and costs you really less where the annual plan costs you $33 per month and gives you access to the following features, Professional: This is great for bloggers, affiliate marketers and SEOs where the annual plan costs you $58 per month and gives you access to the following features. Step 5: Finding your competitors backlink sources Read: What is Semrush? Use those two as your competing websites. What this means is that you mustdevelop content using thorough researchso that the piece becomes an extremely informative and effective tool for internet users. Spyfuis a keyword competition toolthat allows you togain the upper hand in online marketing. We like Soovle because its an easy way to generate unlimited keyword ideas with no sign-up. SpyFu Keyword Research Tools | Keyword Tools For PPC and SEO Enter any keyword and see every advertiser, ad test, or organic ranking in the last 10+ years. The Spyfu SEO tools for keyword competition arenot free, but most things of genuine value arent. I have not started my first PPC campaign yet, but I can see how using SpyFu to do background research on how keywords have performed in your niche over the past 6 months would definitely give your PPC campaign and edge and help you stay away from programs which just arent performing. With data collected, you can always reach out to an advertiser using contact information and ask if they would be interested in back-linking opportunities. Youre branding your images, linking to other content within your blog, popping out videos, and tying it into keyword research for search engine optimization. SpyFu is a premier SEO platform with 23+ useful tools to help you dominate competitor research, link building strategies, keyword research tactics and more. As you can see above, youll find a ton of useful backlink data including; Total backlinks Referring domains and IPs Authority score of the site Indexed pages and Competitors of your competitors and so on. Spyfu, a competitive analysis software, was first introduced by Mike Roberts to help digital marketers engineer powerful PPC and SEO strategies.. Why you can trust TechRadar Spyfu empowers you to be that fly on the wall. Youll get unlimited access to all the data you want or need, regardless of the plan you choose. The features are the same but the amount changes, with one caveat. You may benefit from a visit to those sites. However, we are going to select a keyword with a difficulty score below 30 because this increases our chances of ranking. If youve any questions, do let us know in the comments below. The annual Professional plan works out at $58 per month if billed once per year. Well show you all of that information and more. Start small. SpyFu Pros And Cons: One of the main reasons weve been using Semrush for a long time is the ability to find highly profitable yet low competitive keywords. It's actually surprising how fast SpyFu acquires competitor keyword data. You type in your competitors website, and Spyfu provides a list of the top 50 keywords used by that source and a report of how well those keywords perform. Backlink gap is one of the incredible features of Semrush competitor research toolkit which helps you easily find and evaluate the websites linking to your competitors but not to you. SpyFu offers three different pricing plans; Basic, Professional and Team. Some keywords are not related, meaning some manual research is important to do. Note: this article contains NOaffiliate links and Flying V Group wasNOTcompensated by SpyFu to write this article. There are two ways you can do keyword research on SpyFu: you can either perform traditional keyword research or do competitor-based keyword research. We are only going to walk through one (best dry dog food), but you should select as many as you can to create a full list of keywords to cover. /* PLUGIN WIDE STYLES */ Semrush offers you a 7 days money back guarantee so you can ask for a full refund if youre not really satisfied with Semrush features within 7 days after signing up. There are three membership tiers, so youll need to determine which works best for you. Okay, that might be a lot of data to swallow, fortunately if you go back into the overview, we give you bite sized pieces of each of these tabs. Semrush starts analysing all these websites backlink profiles and discovers backlink opportunities which you can use to generate NEW and high-quality links for your sites. I have heard a lot about them before until I read this which obviously gave me much insight thanks this review. As an SEO and PPC tool, SpyFu can be used to expose the . The cost is $299/month paid monthly, or $199/month when paid annually. The Basic Plan is $39 per month, Professional is $78 per month, and the team version is $299 per month. When your same keyword ranks at 50 or higher, youll see competing numbers where your competition ranks for that keyword phrase, and where you rank for that same phrase. SpyFu also shows you a list of all the keywords which are relevant to your competitors when you click on the common keywords feature. As we suspected, this keyword has a large number of estimated monthly clicks. If you want to learn more about how Article Forge works, feel free to get in touch. As you can see from the above image, its showing us; Top organic keywords (along with the keyword, position, search volume, CPC value, traffic percentage and so on) Main organic competitors (along with competition level, common keywords, search engine keywords and so on). This SEO research feature shows you how rankings and content progress over time, while helping you catch up-and-coming competitors faster. Read:Semrush vs Ahrefs Ultimate Review: Which Is the Best SEO Tool for 2023? In both of our screenshots, you will notice the keyword best dry dog food for small dogs and this keyword meets all of our criteria: Long-Tail Keyword, Low Difficulty Score, Decent Search Volume. Upon closer scrutiny of the keyword groups and pages currently ranked for, you will find yourself in a better position to realign your content with the identification of the shifting trends. First, navigate to the New Article section of Article Forge. Let your backlinks build naturally while getting started. However, it is also very competitive, so it isnt going to be the topic of our article. Also, find out if they arebuilding linksto it. If you have a paid SpyFu account you can simply look through the 24,121 similar keywords. This is a no-hassle, easy cancellation from your account page. Heres the backlink data of Neil Patels blog; It becomes a problem, you have when you click on the go, you can,. Ads for now and start scrolling the competition for that search query determine which best! Which works best for you some manual research is important to do and see every place theyve shown up search., they do have a paid SpyFu account you can choose the best SEO tool for?. 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