Shipping cost, delivery date and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. .simpAskQuestion-btn{-webkit-box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none; display:inline-block; border:none; margin:0;padding:7px 20px!important; color:#000; text-transform:none; background:#ddd; width:auto;} 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format('truetype'); Q: If you order now and the item costs more than $20, the item will be placed on backorder. Its heavy. Univen Parts to fit Black and Decker Blenders, Univen Parts to fit Black and Decker Mixers, Univen Parts to fit Breadman Bread Makers, Univen Parts to fit Cuisinart Hand Mixers, Univen Parts to fit Farberware Convection Ovens, Univen Parts to fit Farberware Percolators, Univen Parts to fit Farberware Pots and Pans, Univen Parts to fit Hamilton Beach Blenders, Univen Parts to fit Hamilton Beach Mixers, Univen Parts to fit KitchenAid Burr Grinders, Univen Parts to fit KitchenAid Hand Mixers, Univen Parts to fit KitchenAid Stand Mixers, Univen Parts to fit Mirro Pressure Cookers, Univen Parts to fit Presto Pressure Cookers, Waring Small Kitchen Appliances & Accessories, Zojirushi Electric Dispensing Pots & Accessories. line-height: 1em; Learn More Quality Performance for Professional Barbers They cant be bumped off by a rowdy animal like some of the other generic fit combs Ive used. Super easy to worries about hurting our pups although the machine gets hot and we need to take breaks during a big shave. Also, a large portion of our items are made to order - this helps manufacturers keep costs down, ensuring a better price for consumers, and also to customize each order. Purchased these to use with an Oster A5 Golden clipper. This Oster Universal Blade Comb #4 cuts at 1/2" and fits A5 type blades. Be the first to ask a question about this. Pet Pro Supply Co. has partnered with Route to offer customers easy tracking and issue resolution on shipments.Add the optional Route protection at check-out (see below) and if your package is impacted by damage, loss, or theft, you can easily resolve shipping issues with Route. These attach nice and securely to the clipper head. Oster A5 Clippers. Miaco Universal Clipper Guide Comb Guard Set, 10 Pieces, Fits Oster Classic 76, A5, Andis AG, BG, Wahl, etc, Magnetic Clipper Guards Guide Comb 10pcs Set Compatible with Andis Master Hair Clippers Purple, Furzone Clipper Guard Comb Set for Size 10 Blade, 9 Piece, Made of Stainless Steel, Suitable for Dog, Cat Grooming, Andis Universal 8 Piece Large Comb Set, 12990, Andis Master Series Premium Metal Hair Clipper Attachment Comb 7 Piece Set, Black, 7 Count (Pack of 1), ZOLITTA Professional Dog Grooming Case with 4 Wide Blades and 10 Colored Combs, Grooming Set, Grooming Storage, Grooming Set for Groomers, Grooming Wide Blades, Grooming Wide Attachment Combs, for Entry to Professional Level Groomers. Includes sizes 1/2" (#4), 3/8"(3#), 1/4"(#2), left taper, right taper and blending guide comb. 2023 Pet Pro Supply Co.Powered by Shopify. For standard orders and for items in stock, we normally ship within 1 to 3 business days (as per the table above) and you can expect to receive your goods in 3 to 10 business days total. For my use (goats), I would have preferred a #3 guard and pass on the #10but the set is still quite useful. The comb attachments provide a layered scissor look. The one that comes with the 76. Specially designed to fit full size clippers these combs are 1.875" wide. #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input, #simpAskQuestion textarea{-webkit-appearance:none; vertical-align:top; display:inline-block;} Oster A5 Universal Comb Attachment Set, 10-Piece Set (078900-600-000) 1,231 Shernbao Professional Animal Stainless Steel Clip Attachment Guide Comb Set for A5 style Detachable Blade Pet, Dog, Cat, and Horse Clippers (ONLY Snap on Size # 10/15/30,Not compatible with 5-in-1 blades 8 Count (Pack of 1) 765 $2990 ($29.90/Count) $80. DOG grooming clipper blades and comb attachments-what is the difference? Miaco Universal Clipper Guide Comb Guard Set, 7 Pieces fits Oster Classic 76, A5, Andis AG, BG, etc. Sites - Convention Centers, Construction Sites, Mines, Commercial establishments not open to the walk-in public during normal business hours. Error posting question. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Sold out-0. Oster 8 Piece Universal Clipper Guide Attachment Combs Set Fast Feed 76926-800, 8 Pieces Replacement Part Ice Blades 4961 4980 Jar Bottom Cap 4902 Rubber Gaskets and Coupling Stud Slinger Pin Kit Compatible with Oster & Osterizer Blender Accessories. Fits A5 type blades (most recommended sizes to be used on are with a: #10, #15, and #30 blade which feeds the best under guide combs), International orders (get in touch for a custom quote including shipping costs), Orders shipped outside the contiguous United States to Alaska, Hawaii or other territories (get in touch for a custom quote including shipping costs). I got these because I thought they would help doing the furnishing more evenly on the legs of my Giant Schnauzer. Professional Hair Clipper Guide Combs,Hair Clipper Cutting Guides/Combs #3170-400 -From 1/8inch to 1inch compliable with Most Whal Clippers (10 color Rainbow), Andis 33655 Premium Clip Animal Comb Set Built with Plastic, Includes 7 Color Coded Combs of Different Sizes, Metal Clip to Attach Comb - Fits Ultra Edge & Ceramic Edge Blades, Multicolor, Dog Grooming Clippers Hair Clipper Combs Guides Low Noise Professional Pet Attachments Replacement Guards Set, 10 Color Professional Hair Trimmer/Clipper Guard Combs Guide Combs Coded Cutting Guides/Combs #3170-400- 1/16 to 1 -Great for Hair Clippers/Trimmers Attachment, Oster Comb Attachment Ka Complete Set of All 8, Dog Grooming Clippers Hair Clipper Combs Guides Low Noise Professional Pet Attachments Replacement Guards Set 8 Pcs Attachment Guide Comb 1mm-32mm Cut Length, Professional Hair Clipper Guards Guides 10 Pcs Coded Cutting Guides #3170-400- 1/8 to 1 fits for All Wahl Clippers(Black-10 pcs), Oster Universal Comb Attachment Blade Guard, Size #7, 10# Detachable Pet Dog Grooming Clipper Blades,Compatible with Andis,Oster A5,Wahl KM Series Pet Clipper with Heat Proof Animal Stainless Steel Attachment Guide Comb(Size 1/8" 1/4" 3/8"), 8 Grid Base Box For Universal Hair Clipper Limit Comb Guide Attachment Size Barber Replacement Hair Styling Tool Accessories, Miaco Set of Six Clipper Guide Combs fits Oster 254, 274, 284, 650, 820 & 974 Clippers, Clipper Guards, 10PCS Professional Hair Clipper Combs Guides Black Versatile Premium Cutting Guide Comb Fits All Full Size Wahl Clippers, 8 Pcs Professional Colorful Hair Clipper Combs Guide Accessories, Wahl Replacement Guards Set #3171-500 1/8 to 1 Great for All Wahl Clippers/Trimmers, Random Colors, Oster A5 Universal Comb Attachment Set, 10-Piece Set (078900-600-000), Oster Professional 76550-100 Octane Cordless Clipper + 1 Year Extended Warranty, Unisex Adult, Metal Clipper Guards Attachment Combs Compatible with Andis / Compatible with Wahl / Compatible with Oster for Dog Grooming #0,5/8inch,16mm, Andis 01380 7pc Snap-On Comb Set, Blade Attachments For MBA, ML And SM Model Trimmers, Black, Wahl Clipper Genuine Elite Attachment Guard Organization Kit with Hair Clipper Guide Combs, 14 Piece Elite Storage Kit for Wahl Hair Clippers -3291-200, Quality Clippers by the Brand of Professionals, Rat Tail Comb Carbon Fiber Heat Resistant Combs, Tail Combs Carbon Fiber Cutting Comb Set Hair Clip, All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. A bit big Great set. Sold by Mattox Global and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Specially designed to fit Oster clippers and almost any other clippers available. Ten piece universal fit clipper guide comb set, fits Oster, Andis, Wahl and other full size clippers. We want to make sure you have all the relevant shipping cost information when placing your order. ${cardName} unavailable for quantities greater than ${maxQuantity}. Oster A5 Universal Comb Attachment - 7/8" $4.89 Sold out. These are well made strong combs and fit easily on my Oster Turbo a5 . Farmington Hills, MI. $20. Oster Universal Comb Attachment Blade Guard 7-Piece Set, Size # 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 for Oster Professional Clippers : Beauty & Personal Care Beauty & Personal Care Hair Care Hair Cutting Tools Hair Clippers & Accessories $2999 FREE delivery March 17 - 24. Yes they will. } These are well made strong combs and fit easily on my Oster Turbo a5 . OSTER A5 STAINLESS STEEL Attachment GUIDE COMB Fit #10,15 or 30 Clipper Blade 6.43 to 42.97 17.04 postage OSTER STAINLESS STEEL METAL 1" 25mm ATTACHMENT GUIDE COMB Fit #10 Clipper Blade 8.48 17.21 postage Moser - Aesculap - Andis - Oster - Heiniger Stainless Steel Attachment Comb 32 22.60 9.44 postage Oster A5 Universal Comb Attachment Set, 10-Piece Set (078900-600-000) 1 3+ day shipping $34.99 Andis UltraEdge Detachable Blade Set, Size 30, 1/50 Inches, 0.5 mm 2 3+ day shipping $31.99 Andis UltraEdge Detachable Blade Set, Size 10, 1/16 Inches, 1.5 mm 27 3+ day shipping $129.99 Oster A5 Single 1-Speed Animal Clipper 10 Piece Comb Set After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Freight carriers prevent their drivers from assisting with the unloading of heavy equipment other than using a liftgate to ground level. Combs are equally effective when used with or JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 7 years ago, Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. $8.99 + $5.62 shipping + $5.62 shipping + $5.62 shipping. Picture Information . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for OSTER CLASSIC 76 Universal Motor Clipper Hair Trimmer w/BLADE WORKS GREAT !! From there you may either choose to cancel the order or continue with the updated shipment date. Work great. We used it on our dogs anyways but they would look ridiculous..completely choppy..kinda like mashed potatoes. If there is no option to select a shipping location, then this cost is already included in the price. . } Sorry, we were unable to perform your search at this time. 1 5 out of 5 Stars. OSTER A5 UNIVERSAL GUIDE Attachment Blade COMB*Fit Model 1,Octane,76,97,Clippers. Will fit Oster, Andis, Wahl, Laube, Geib, Conair, Master Grooming Tools, ValueGroom, Duraedge A5 (Detachable, Full-Size) Blades. , as well as orders from all of your other favorite brands, in just a glance with real-time updates and one-of-a-kind Visual Tracking. Oster Universal Comb Attachment Blade Guard, Size # 6 Professional Animal Clippers $9.87 Product Description Pet Supply. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. bronze, provide maximum service and safety. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for OSTER A5 UNIVERSAL Clip Snap On Attachment 1" CLIPPER BLADE GUIDE COMB*Fit Andis at the best online prices at eBay! Shear Magic Standard Comb Attachment Kit 9pc . Please have the necessary manpower available to receive your items with limited delay to the driver. Amazon has encountered an error. Oster Fast Feeds $30. After you complete your check-out on our site you will receive an e-mail from Route with your order information and instructions on how to track your order via the Route app. This option specifies whether the delivery location is a, Restricted Areas - Secure Research Facilities, Military Bases/Installations, Correctional Facilities, Government Buildings. Miaco 1/4" #2 Universal Clipper Guide Comb fits Oster Classic 76, A5, Andis AG, BG, Wahl, etc. 3/8" x 4-1/2" ring is packed with . The Universal Comb Set includes 10 comb attachments that offer cutting sizes for all of your grooming needs. Please note the times below are listed in business days. Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Animal Grooming Pet Clippers Clipper with Blade #10 334789447516 -->. display: inline-block; Oster A5 Comb Attachment 10 Piece Set By Oster 66 Reviews 16 Answered Questions Color: Multi-color $54.70 List: $61.99 Save $7.29 (12%) Quantity In Stock FREE 1-3 day shipping Add to Cart About This Item Details Features rounded ends that ensure safety. Les meilleures offres pour PEIGNE GUIDE SNAP ON MILLERS FORGE #1 1/2-1/2"*Fit Oster A5, Andis AG, AGC CLIPPER sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d 'occasion Pleins d 'articles en livraison gratuite! Purchased these to use with an Oster A5 Golden clipper. My Cart Shopping Cart Toggle navigation Fulfillment times vary widely if your order must be customized, made to order, is for large or heavy items, or must be shipped by LTL freight truck (as opposed to standard carriers such as Fedex or UPS). Spring Lake, MI. Importers of commercial goods should review the shipping & delivery. Specially designed to fit Oster clippers and almost any other clippers available. Comb Miaco set of six clipper guide combs fits Oster clipper models 254, 274, 284, 650, 820 & 974. Miaco 1" #8 Hair Clipper Guide Comb fits Oster Classic 76, A5, Andis AG, BG and full size clippers. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Andis 33655 Premium Clip Animal Comb Set Built with Plastic, Includes 7 Color Coded Combs of Different Sizes, Metal Clip to Attach Comb - Fits Ultra Edge & Ceramic Edge Blades, Multicolor, Professional Hair Clipper Guards Guides 10 Pcs Coded Cutting Guides #3170-400- 1/8 to 1 fits for All Wahl Clippers(Black-10 pcs), Shernbao Professional Animal Stainless Steel Clip Attachment Guide Comb Set for A5 style Detachable Blade Pet, Dog, Cat, and Horse Clippers (ONLY Snap on Size # 10/15/30,Not compatible with 5-in-1 blades, Professional Animal Stainless Steel Attachment 9 Color Guide Comb Set,Compatible with Andis, Oster A5, Wahl KM Series Clipper Detachable Blade Pet, Dog, Cat, and Horse Clippers, Detachable Dog Clipper Blades 10# 1.5mm,Compatible with Andis,Most Oster A5,Wahl KM Series Clippers with Heat Proof Animal Stainless Steel Attachment Guide Comb(Size 1/8" 1/4" 3/8"), Sponsored | Based on star rating and number of customer ratings, DODAER Detachable Pet Dog Grooming Blades of Stainless Steel,Compatible with Andis,Oster A5,Wahl KM10 Series,Size 40/7F/4F,3 Count, 3pcs Black Fast Feed Ceramic Blades Replacement Blades for Oster Fast Feed Clipper A5 Grooming Clippers Movable Blade, KBDS Detachable Pet Dog Grooming Ceramic Clipper Blades,Compatible with Most Andis,Oster A5/A6,Wahl KM Series Clippers,Size 5FC 1/4'' Inch 6.4mm Cut Length, 5F Blade, Furzone Detachable Blade - Size 30 Blade 1/50", Made of Extra Durable Japanese Steel, Compatible with Most Andis, Oster, Wahl A5 Clippers, Oster A5 Universal Comb Attachment Set, 10-Piece Set (078900-600-000), Oster Universal Comb Attachment Blade Guard 7-Piece Set, Size # 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 for Oster Professional Clippers, Oster A5 Dual Speed Grooming Clipper with Detachable Cryogen-X Blades #10 and #7F 7 Piece Universal Combs Guides Set, Dog Grooming Clippers Hair Clipper Combs Guides Low Noise Professional Pet Attachments Replacement Guards Set 8 Pcs Attachment Guide Comb 1mm-32mm Cut Length, 10# Detachable Pet Dog Grooming Clipper Blades,Compatible with Andis,Oster A5,Wahl KM Series Pet Clipper with Heat Proof Animal Stainless Steel Attachment Guide Comb(Size 1/8" 1/4" 3/8"), 4pcs/Set Pet Clipper Blade Attachment Guide Comb Standard Size Fit for Oster A5 Blade, Andis 64075, Ultra Edge Dog Clipper Blade - Constructed Of Carbonized Steel, Exclusive Hardening Process With Long-Lasting Sharp Edges, 1/50-Inch Cut Length - For Larger Animals, Size-30, Chrome, Oster 10-Piece Stainless Steel Pet Clipper Guide Comb Kit (078936-100-000), Oster 76926-900 10 Universal Comb Set Attachments Guide. Spring loaded metal clip attaches to back of clipper blade and plastic comb snaps over fr 3/4" universal fitting comb. Product Info Shipping Q & A Styling is simple and easy with this comb attachment. margin-left: .2em; Oster Universal Comb Attachment Blade Guard 7-Piece Set, Size # 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 for Oster Professional Clippers. Free shipping for many products! . If your order is to be shipped freight, you will have the option to specify whether the item will be delivered to a Residential, Limited Access, or Commercial address. Haven't used every comb but nice to have as I learn on a standard poodle. Oster A5 Comb Attachment 10 Piece Set (Includes 1 Each: 1", 1-1/4", 1/16", 5/8", 7/8", 3/8", 3/4", 2", 1/2") Brand: Oster 1,926 ratings $8612 ($86.12 / count) Import Fees Deposit Included Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime delivery. 6 Pack Blending Comb Barber Combs, 9 Inch Clipper Combs Flat Top Clipper Combs Barber Heat Resistant Hair Cutting Combs for Clipper Cuts and Flattops (Black), Wahl Genuine Elite Guide Comb Set with Colored Metal Clips and Hair Clipper Guard Organization Caddy, 12 Full Size Attachment Guards from 1/16 to 1 for Increased Cutting Performance - 3291-300, COMECASE Grooming Clipper Blade Case Holder Organizer - Hard Travel Carrying Storage Holds 12 Blades - Upgrade, DODAER Size 7F/5F/4F Detachable Pet Dog Grooming Blades of Stainless Steel,Compatible with Andis,Oster A5,Wahl KM10 Series,3 Count, Quality Clippers by the Brand of Professionals, Designed for the Professional Stylist and Barber, Tail Combs Carbon Fiber Cutting Comb Set Hair Clip. Add. Note that Covid-19 has created significant logistical issues for our manufacturers and lead times are longer than normal. ${cardName} not available for the seller that you chose. br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} Shop with confidence. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Find great deals on eBay for andis agc super 2 speed 22360. Spring loaded metal clip attaches to back of clipper blade and plastic comb snaps ov 1/16" universal fitting comb. These guards go on the 000. Miaco 1/4" #2 Universal Clipper Guide Comb fits Oster Classic 76, A5, Andis AG, BG, Wahl, etc. So my husband purchased this super expensive shaver years ago and wow were we disappointed when it didnt come with attachments. Comes with storage bag. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. As soon as you place your order you will receive an order confirmation e-mail and we will immediately notify the appropriate supplier to begin processing your order. They don't fit on my Oster clippers.It's very difficult to cut his hair using the smallest attachment- it's a different shape than the one I was hoping to replace.Why don't you respond to my criticism of the product?I thought you would be concerned that the "Universal" comb Attachments didn't fit my Oster clippers! Oster Universal Comb Attachments #1, 1/8" (4mm) Now $1.95. Free shipping for many products! Note: if the lead time is too long for the product you wanted, take a look at our list of fast-shipping brands per product category on our Fast Shipping Page. #simpAskQuestion #askQuestion input.fleft{float:left!important;} El tiempo lo dir. .icon-simp-help:before { content: '\e800'; } We highly recommend any delivery address without a loading dock, select this option. We cannot accept backorder items with estimated in-stock dates more than 30 days out. Find tips and advice for pet wellness. #simpAskQuestion .button, #simpAskQuestion a.btn ,#simpAskQuestion input.btn{-webkit-box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; box-shadow:none; display:inline-block; border:none; padding:5px 15px; text-transform:none; width:auto; border-radius:3px;} Includes sizes: 1/16", 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/ Miaco hair clipper guide comb, leaves hair 1" long. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. The long sharp point of the self-piercing ring cuts a clean hole--no other attachments or tools are necessary. .icon-simp-help-circled:before { content: '\e801'; } text-align: center; Universal Clipper Guide Comb Guard Set 7 Pieces Fits Oster Classic 76 A5 Andis. Container that holds product is typical packaging of formed plastic.
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